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For Family & Friends
Is the addictive behaviour of a family member impacting you?
Do you...
feel worried or down a lot of the time?
feel you don't have enough time to look after yourself, or important parts of your life such as work, and other relationships?
have trouble sleeping, or find it hard to concentrate?
worry about the impact of addiction on children and young people in the family?
get worried, frustrated, angry or sad about someone you know who uses alcohol, drugs, gambling, or other worrying behaviours?
struggle to know how to help them, or find yourself saying the same things to them over and over?
feel guilty when you focus on your own needs?
do your best to support the person experiencing addiction, but sometimes feel whatever you do or say isn't helping?
If any of these questions sound familiar, we can help.
Our counsellors can​...
Help you understand more about addiction
Help you make a plan to look after yourself and your children, or other vulnerable people
Help you communicate effectively
Set boundaries and limits to keep yourself and your family member as safe as possible
Take you through all of the available support and treatment options for yourself or your family member
Together, we can think about how you can be most helpful to the person experiencing addiction without wearing yourself out.
After all, if you have nothing left in your tank, it's impossible to help anyone else.
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